Adding to Your Home
Room additions to a home require planning and skill. Before we simply look at where the addition might be placed we discover the purpose for the room. How the addition ties into the home is also an important consideration. Structural issues, roof lines, and water drainage as well as design aesthetics need to be addressed. Generally, you will want the addition to look like it was always part of the home. Local zoning setbacks also come into play. At Harbour Towne Construction we have the knowledge and experience to deal with all of these important challenges to insure your room addition project is a complete success.Let us know the purpose your new room and we’ll take care of the rest: structural issues, roof lines, water drainage, design aesthetics and deal with local zoning regulations.
Brookhaven - Executive Hideaway
This three story garage addition provided parking for four vehicles on two levels and a luxurious attic office complete with cherry beams and paneling. The existing garage was converted to a spacious dining room for entertaining. The atrium style bay added to the front disguises the old garage as well as adding an interesting architectural element.
Dunwoody – Vaulted Great Room Addition
In lieu of planning expensive vacations, today’s families are seeking to make their home a “destination” for their children, their children’s friends as well as a comfortable place to entertain their own friends. This award winning project comprises numerous great amenities.